Official Rules
- Place the game board on the table
Each player chooses a game piece and places it on the Welcome
to 2020 Start board space
Players keep track of their electoral votes on a tally sheet
Players take turns rolling the dice and move their game piece
the number of spaces rolled on the dice
If a player lands on the You’re in Quarantine space or is sent
to it, they MUST follow the 2020 game path downward on the
board, otherwise it is counted as 1 space and players proceed
to the next space (Maine)
Players are to proceed around the perimeter of the board in a
clockwise motion
Players are not to count Pennsylvania as a space (along the
perimeter) unless being sent through the 2020 game path
Player then adds the number of electoral votes listed on the
space they landed on to their tally sheet
If the space the player lands on says lose votes, player then
deducts that amount from their tally sheet
If the player doesn’t have enough votes on their tally sheet
to deduct that number of votes, they must be totaled in the
Players follow instructions for each space landed on for their
Players roll again if they roll doubles (unlimited number of